Solar and solar-terrestrial physics
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1. Shestopalov I.P., Kolesov G.J., Petrov á.ë. at all // SCR flare and in-terplanetary fluxes of a solar wind. // Kosmicheskie issledo-vaniy.1992.V.30. N4. P. 547-558.

The flare - associated increase of the fluxes of the charged parti-cles generated on different solar longitudes in 1972-1973 are analyzed. The measurements were carried aboard the "Prognoz" and the "ëÞrs-7" space probe. It is shown that the behaviour of the particles fluxes was de-termined by two interplanetary disturbances of the solar wind. On flux of the solar wind was flare origin, second directly is not connected to flare and was observed of some hours before arrival flare disturbance into the orbit of the Earth. . This flux of the solar wind has not been connected with solar flares. Most probably, it was produced by the coronal mass ejections which are of non-flare origin. The structural areas of this flux, selected on the direct data of a solar wind and a magnetic field, are simi-lar to structural areas of the flare flux. Such complex structure of inter-planetary space has influenced behaviour of the charged particles gener-ated in the flare. Magnetic "traps" of structural areas completely super-vised behaviour of "soft" particles. The behaviour of rigid particles was described by the diffusion models.

2. Kuzhevskij B.M., Petrov á.ë., Shestopalov I.P. About forecasting ra-diation situation in the interplanetary space. // Ibid N6.P.89-103

There are experimental data about electron and the protons fluxes registered on aboard "Prognoz-3" 1973 and so data about solar wind, in-terplanetary magnetic field, GCR, registered on various neutron monitors, and also about magnetic storms and the Kp-index. Thery analyse the pre-flare situation to one - two solar turns to flare. It is shown, that this period is characterized by occurrence of active areas on the Sun, forming of coronal transient and their emission in interplanetary space, occurrence in interplanetary space of the ordered magnetic structures filled by elec-trons and protons, intensity of GCR reduce. Pre-flare period is defined also the intensification of Earth origin activity. On the Earth as well as on the Sun, in separate areas magnetic activity is stranger. It brings increase of magnetic storms amplitudes in these regions and to the generation of particles recorded by neutron monitors.

3. Shestopalov I.P., Smyrrenny L.N., Likin O.B., Pisarenco N.F. Solar flares and seismic activity of the Earth. // Annales Geophysic. 1995. V. 13, Suppl. 3. Part 3 .P. 666.

The correlation between solar activity, the seismic energy of the Earth and flux of particles registered by neutron monitors during the time pe-riod of 1975 - 1987 were investigated. The research was based on the conception of seismicity as a part of the unified physical process in Sun-Earth system. In other words, the interplanetary space, the magnetosphere and the ionosphere of the Earth and the Earth itself, with all the processes active in that cause earthquakes, is a unified physical system. In this process the seismic events are determined by the processes of both solar and Earth origin. An direct correlation of the Earth's seismicity with neutron monitors data and inverse correlation with solar activity are ob-served. A conclusion has been made that the flux of particles registered by neutron monitors not only has a galactic and solar but also a terrestrial origin and provides constraints on the level of seismic activity of the Earth.

4. Shestopalov I.P., Konradov A.A. Kharin E.P at all. Cycles of solar, seismic and biological activity. // The fourth International the Symposium in Pushcino "Relations of biological and physicochemical processes with solar activity and heliogeophysical factors", Abstracts, Pushcino, 1996. P. 120.

The interconnection between solar activity, seismic energy of the Earth, microbiological characteristics and the fluxes of particles registered on the Earth by neutron monitors for the period of 1969-1992 were investi-gated. The research was based on the conception of seismicity as a part of the unified physical process in Sun-Earth system. Thus the seismic and biological phenomena are determined by processes both solar, and the Earth origin. The Earth as well as the Sun, have an internal source of en-ergy. Positive correlation of seismic activity with biological parameters and the fluxes of particles registered on the Earth by neutron monitors, and negative correlation with solar activity (cycles of solar spots) is ob-served. Also it is shown, that during a 11-years solar cycle seismic activity in-creases in periods of minimal solar activity and after large solar flares which cause an increase in proton fluxes in interplanetary space and on the Earth's surface It is supposed, that the particles registered on the Earth by neutron moni-tors, have not only solar and space, but also the terrestrial origin and on the level of their flux is possible to predict seismic and biological activity.

5. Shestopalov I.P., Konradov A.A. Kharin E.P. Correlation of seismic and biological processes with solar activity. // Biophysics. 1998. V.43. N4. P. 706-709.

The interrelation between solar activity, seismic energy of the Earth, microbiological characteristics and the fluxes of particles registered on the Earth by neutron monitors for the period of 1969-1992 were investi-gated.In a basis of researches performance about seismicity as about a part of unified physical process in Sun-Earth system . Positive correlation of seismic activity with biological parameters and the fluxes of particles registered on the Earth by neutron monitors, and negative correlation with solar activity (cycles of solar spots) is observed.

6. Shestopalov I.P., Polycarpov N.þ., Breus T.K. The effect of heliogeo-physical factors on the biological activity of Staphylococcys aureus. // Biophysics 1997. Ð. 42. No 4. P. 919-925.

In 1988-89Ö. An experiment was carried out to study the influence of heliogeophysical factors on the biological activity of one of the most fre-quent causative agents of human and animal infectious diseases, namely, Staphylococcys aureus. For comparison both individual heliogeophysica factors and the interconnected phenomena in "the Sun - Earth" system resulting from solar flares were used. Two types of solar flares were identified. A quasi-annual cycle of variation in DNase activity in staphy-lococci in vitro was found, with correlated the cycle of variation of the electron density of the F2 layer of the ionosphere. The correlation coeffi-cient amounts to 0,96. It was established that the susceptibility threshold of the tests micro-organisms to heliogeophysical influences differs in dif-ferent years. There are "amplitude windows" of the influences, the upper limit of which changes in different periods.

7. Sobolev G.A., Shestopalov I.P., Kharin E.P., Implications of solar flares for the seismic activiti of the Earth.// Fizika Zemli, 1998. No7. P.85-90.

The interrelation between solar flares, seismic activity of the Earth and neutron monitoring data for the period from1975 to1987 was investi-gated, i,e., for the majority of the 21-st cycle of solar activity. The corre-lation coefficient between the energy released by earthquakes and the neutron monitors data was calculated for the whole cycle and for its separate years. Appeared, that in 21-st cycle of solar activity coefficient was high enough, however it is less, than during magnetic storms, con-nected to solar flares in 1984-1985. The analysis of these data leads to the hypothesis that the particles flux registered by neutron monitors not only has galactic and solar but also a terrestrial origin and on the level of their flux is possible to predict seismic activity of the Earth.

8. Shestopalov I.P.,Kharin E.P, Kuzjevskij B.M. The relationships of the neutrino flux variations with solar activity and with seismicity of the Earth. // Geophysical Research Abstracts. V. 2. 2000. 25th General As-sambly, ST5, Nice, France, April, 2000.

The correlation has been studied of solar activity, the seismic ac-tivity of the Earth and neutrino flux registered in Chlorine-Argon experi-ment during the time period of 1970 - 1994. The research was based on the conception of seismicity as a part of the unified physical process in Sun-Earth system. In other words, the interplanetary space, the magneto-sphere and the ionosphere of the Earth and the Earth itself, with all the processes active in that cause earthquakes, is a unified physical system. In this process the seismic events are determined by the processes of both solar and Earth origin. The Earth and large planets have an internal source of energy. Since there is a dependence of the radiance of planets on their mass, a conclusion can be drawn that the source of the inner of the planets is the same as the Sun, i.e. the thermonuclear reactions. An inverse correlation is noted between solar activity and the Earth's seismic-ity and direct correlation is revealed between the seismic activity of the Earth and neutrino flux variation. A conclusion has been made that the neutrinos registered in Chlorine-Argon experiment are not only of Solar but of terrestrial origin as well.

9. Shestopalov I.P., Kharin E.P., Polycarpov N.þ., Interconnection of microbiological processes with solar activity and seismic energy of the Earth. // Interstate conference " V.I.Vernadskogo's scientific heritage " Crimea, May, 23-25 2001. Reports. Moscow. P. 450-464.

The interconnection between solar activity, seismic energy of the Earth, microbiological characteristics and the fluxes of particles regis-tered on the Earth by neutron monitors for the period of 1969-1992 were investigated. The research was based on the conception of seismicity as a part of the unified physical process in Sun-Earth system. Thus the seismic and biological phenomena are determined by processes both solar, and the Earth origin. On the Earth there are 11-years cycles of seismic and microbiological activity. Positive correlation of seismic activity with biological parameters and the fluxes of particles registered on the Earth by neutron monitors, and negative correlation with solar activity (cycles of solar spots) is observed. Also it is shown, that during a 11-years solar cycle seismic activity in-creases in periods of minimal solar activity and after large solar flares which cause an increase in proton fluxes in interplanetary space and on the Earth's surface. It was established that the susceptibility threshold of microorganisms to heliogeophysical influences differs in different years. There are "ampli-tude windows" of the influences, the upper limit of which changes in dif-ferent periods.

10. Shestopalov I.P, Smirenny L.N. To question about reasons of Cherno-byl accident // Theses of reports of VIII Russian scientific conference "Radiating protection and radiating safety in nuclear technolo-gies".September, 17-19 2002 Ö. Obninsk. P. 174-176.

The most probably, that the Chernobyl accident was connected with joint action of several of factors, such as faulty actions of operators and various factors of environment. It is possible, that the additional fac-tor of accident is the interaction of neutrons, formed in earthquakes, with reactor of station. All earthquakes in areas, directly adjoining to the atomic power station are examined. It is shown, that in region Chernobyl AES during accident the significant fluxes of neutrons of earthly origins were observed, which were additional factor affecting on functioning of reactor.

I.P.Shestopalov, Yu.A.Rogozhin

Aviakosmicheskaya i Ekologicheskaya Meditsina (Russia). 2005. V. 39. âo? 3. P. 20-26
The study searched for interactions between the solar activity, seismic energy of the Earth and microbiological processes in the period from 1969 to L997 Microbiological processes were found dependent on a the solar, so intraterrestria/ (e.g. seismic) activity. Tht 11-year seismic on biological cycles on Earth display Ö positive inter-correlation and a negative one with the. solar activity (sun-spots cycles). There is also correlation between the Earth's seis mic energy and neutron fluxes generated at the time:, of earthquakes on our planet, and microbiological pa rameters.

12. Shestopalov I.P., Kharin E.P. Secular variations of solar activity and seismicity of the earth // Geophysical Journal, 2006,V. 28. N. 4. P.59-70

Data on seismic energy released from earthquake sources in the Earth from 1680 to 2004 were analyzed in correlation with solar cycles. Eleven-year cycles of seismic activity are noted in the Earth. Cyclic variation of seismic activity with duration of three solar cycles and are distinguished as well. The correlation between solar and seismic activity is for the major part negative. Under the effects of strong solar proton events the correlation between them may be positive. Most strong earthquakes occur at the beginning of a secular cycle. In the 90s of the XX century a new secular cycle started at the beginning of which strong seismic activity will be noted for several tens of years. Earthquakes of 26.12.2004 with Ì=9 and of 21.03.2005 with Ì=8,5 in Indonesia area support this conclusion.

13. Shestopalov I. P. North-Southern Asymmetry of Solar Spots and Solar Activity

Abstract. The correlation between the asymmetry of solar spots in the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun and solar activity was examined. For this purpose the data on the groups of solar spots and their magnetic fields from 1874 to 1960 according to the Greenwich observatory observations and from 1961 tî 2003 at the Mount Wilson observatory were used. Asymmetry of solar spots has a cycle of 11 years and a longer cycle, equal to three cycles of 11 years. On discovering the reasons for emergence of solar spots, it was supposed that the symmetrical location of spots on the Sun was one of the necessary conditions of the Sun’ equilibrium. Disturbances occur upon violation of inner solar symmetry, entailing movements of the inner solar mass in different directions and generation of magnetic fields in the spots. Perhaps, these disturbances are gravitational fields. Spatio-temporal parameters of solar processes have to be considered as a single whole. There exists a spatio-temporal multilayer continuum, each layer of which reflects not only current but also previous processes. It was shown, that emergence of solar activity and its changes occur not only as a result of the processes, taking place inside the Sun, but also due to the movement of the Solar system in the interstellar space. At a certain condition of the interstellar space interstellar plasma through heliopause permeates the Sun increasing the number of spots.
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14. Belov S.V., Shestopalov I.P., Kharin E.P. On the relation between endogenic activity of the Earth and solar and geomagnetic activity // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2009. Vol.428. No 7. P.1142-1145. Read article
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15. Shestopalov I. P., Belov S. V. Phenomenon of Flows of Neutrons and Gamma Radiation During Chilean Earthquake, 27 February 2010 and Eyjafjallajokull Volcano Eruption in Iceland in April 2010 (in print)

As a result of an experiment carried out in February-April 2010 on registration of thermal and fast neutrons and gamma radiation, flows of particles were registered, apparently related to the strong earthquake in Chile on February 27 with magnitude Mw =8,8 and the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in April, 2010. The earthquake continued a list of strong earthquakes, typical for the beginning of a new secular cycle of endogenous activity of the Earth. Both monotonous-continuous increase of particles’ flows, starting approximately three weeks before the earthquake and the volcano eruption and separate short-time spikes with amplitude of several thousand percent, were observed. Flows of neutrons and other particles, registered at a significant distance from the site of event, increased before the earthquake and eruption. This fact can be used as a precursor. It would be expedient to install devices for registration of thermal and fast neutrons in different geodynamic zones of Northern and Southern hemispheres. It was supposed that a mechanism of primary generation of neutrons was related to nuclear reactions.
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16. Shestopalov I. P., Belov S. V., Solov’ev A. A., and Kuz’min Yu. D. Neutron Generation and Geomagnetic Disturbances in Connection with the Chilean Earthquake of February 27, 2010 and a Volcanic Eruption in Iceland in March–April 2010 // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2013, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 124–135.
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17. Shestopalov I. P., Kharin E. P. Relationship between solar activity and global seismicity and neutrons of terrestrial origin. // Russian Journal of Earth Sciences 2014. V. 14, ES1002. P. 1-10

18.Shestopalov, I. P. (2016), Neutrons of terrestrial origin and the endogenous activity of the Earth, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 16, ES5003, doi:10.2205/2016ES000580.
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